Personality and quantified neuromuscular activity of the masticatory system in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction

Summary: Patients suffering from temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome (TMJS) and healthy volunteers were examined by means of MMPI questionnaire and electromyography (masseter, anterior temporal and anterior digastric muscles) at rest and during natural chewing. In response to mental load (arithmetic chain task) TMJS patients showed an increase in postural activity and partly rhythmical short augmentations above the mean level of this activity. Chewing potentials were considerably diminished in patients compared with controls. There was evidence for neurotic disorders in the patients MMPI (neurotic triad: higher scores on hypochondria, depression, hysteria). Significant differences (multivariate variance and discriminant analysis: P<0.001) between patients and controls were found both in the group with psychic signs (MMPI scales) and in the group of quantitative electromyographic parameters. However, a sufficient discrimination was only obtained by a combination of both parameter groups. The results show that within the masticatory system, are important in the aetiopathogenesis of TMJS.