During filtration leukapheresis a factor(s) is produced, released or extracted into rat blood which causes a transient granulocytosis in pheresed animals and in recipients of homologous plasma from these animals. To identify which factors contribute to this granulocytosis, the procedural steps involved in filtration leukapheresis as well as a number of chemical agents which are potentially extracted from of produced by the procedure, were tested for their ability to stimulate granulocytosis. Procedural steps tested included the depth of anesthesia, effect of the anticoagulant and possible interactions of blood cells with the plastic tubing in the system (sham-pheresis). Chemical agents tested included common mediators of inflammation and proteinases released by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN), extracts of nylon fibers and Tygon tubing, nylon monomers and solvents used in the manufacture of nylon, oxidized and decomplemented plasma and lysates of PMN or microorganisms. Several of these agents contribute to the granulocytosis seen during filtration leukapheresis of rats.