THE PHENOMENA here designated ocular motor dysmetria, flutter-like oscillations, and opsoclonus have rarely been referred to in the literature. The term ocular dysmetria is intended to refer to an abnormality of eye movements analogous to dysmetria of the limbs, in which a movement is performed with characteristic overshooting and lack of precision. This is manifest in the eyes by an overshoot on attempted fixation and consequent irregular oscillation of the eyes on changes of fixation. The term flutter-like oscillations is intended to refer to the occurrence of intermittent to-and-fro oscillations of the eyes lasting not more than a few seconds, often associated with changes of fixation but frequently appearing to be spontaneous, and producing an effect that seems most to accord with the designation of "flutter." Opsoclonus is a name that has been proposed to categorize the irregular ("chaotic") and continual oscillations of the eyes such as occur in certain