Molecular Structure of Single DNA Complexes with Positively Charged Dendronized Polymers

Positively charged dendronized polymers with protonated amine groups at the periphery and different dendron generations are cylindrically shaped nanoobjects whose radii and linear charge densities can be varied systematically. These polyelectrolytes have been complexed with DNA and subsequently adsorbed on precoated mica substrates. The analysis of scanning force microscopy data indicates that DNA wraps around the dendronized polymers. The calculated pitch is 2.30 ± 0.27 and 2.16 ± 0.27 nm for DNA wrapped around dendronized polymers of generation two and four, respectively. The complex with the second generation has been shown to be negatively charged, which is consistent with the theory of spontaneous overcharging of macro-ion complexes, when the electrostatic contribution to the free energy dominates over the elastic energy. The complexes may be of interest for the development of nonviral gene delivery systems.