The hyperfine interaction of Ho165 in the cubic Laves phase compounds Ho0.01Gd1xYxNi2 has been investigated by spin-echo NMR in the composition range 0<x<0.18. In the end compound (x=0) a value of 9.5μB is obtained for the holmium moment which indicates a 5% quenching by the crystalline electric field. Further quenching takes place with substitution of yttrium for gadolinium. The magnetization anisotropy of these compounds is weak. The substitution of 1-at.% Ho for Gd suffices to rotate the easy axis of magnetization in GdNi2 from the 110 to the 100 direction. This direction remains the easy magnetization direction in all compounds studied. The transferred hyperfine interaction is long range and analysis of data indicates considerable participation of the d electrons in the hyperfine interaction in this series.