Destruction of Red Blood Cells. VII. Apparent Autosensitization to Dog Red Blood Cells.

Several attempts were made to sensitize 4 dogs to their own red blood cells. Red blood cell stroma and hemoglobin plus streptococcal toxin, culture filtrates of staphylococci grown in red blood cell suspensions, and modified Freund antigens using the dog''s own red blood cells were injd. intraperit. or subcut. For a short period in one dog there was agglutination of washed red blood cells when they were suspended in rabbit anti-dog serum. During this period of apparent autosensitization there was no anemia, reticulocytosis or jaundice. The red blood cells showed no alteration in osmotic or mechanical fragility. There was no fall in complement titer. Cold and warm agglu-tinins did not appear. There was no evidence of a serum complement-fixing antibody for the dog''s own red blood cells.