Liquid-chromatographic determination of nadolol in plasma.

We describe a liquid-chromatographic procedure for determining nadolol in plasma. After an analog of nadolol is added as internal standard, the plasma sample is passed through a disposable BondElut C18 column. After several column washes, nadolol and the internal standard are eluted with methanol, and the eluate is evaporated and reconstituted with the mobile phase (acetonitrile/water, perchloric acid, and tetramethylammonium hydroxide). An aliquot of the extract is chromatographed on a non-silica resin-base reversed-phase column. The peaks are detected by fluorescence (lambda ex = 265 nm and lambda em = 305). Drug and internal standard are well resolved, and only a few extraneous peaks appear. The standard curve ranges from 10 to 400 micrograms/L. We are using this procedure to determine steady-state concentrations of nadolol in patients receiving various dosages of nadolol along with other types of antihypertensive drugs.

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