Cytoarchitecture and the patterning of fushi tarazu expression in the Drosophila blastoderm.

In the Drosophila embryo at the blastoderm stage, the segmentation gene fushi tarazu (ftz) is expressed in a seven-banded pattern. The generation of this pattern, like many other segmentation gene expression patterns, coincides with the formation of cell membranes around the blastoderm nuclei. To test the role of cellularization in resolving the banded ftz pattern, we used cytoskeletal inhibitors (colcemid and cytochalasin B) to block cellularization. We found that banded ftz RNA and protein patterns can form without cellular structure. We also tested the importance of rapid degradation of the ftz RNA, using cycloheximide to block degradation. RNA degradation is essential to maintain the banded ftz pattern in a syncytium, but is not required to maintain the pattern in a cellularized embryo. A latticework of cytoskeletal microtubules that forms during cellularization appears to be a key component in localizing the ftz mRNA. We conclude that RNA degradation and cellular structure normally work together to localize ftz RNA to its sites of synthesis.