Corrections in counting paired nuclei labelled with bromodeoxyuridine in tissue sections

Bromodeoxyuridine is finding increasing use as an alternative to, or in conjunction with, tritiated thymidine for labelling nuclei in DNA synthesis. Precise identification of labelled nuclei is possible, even when there is considerable overlap between neighbouring nuclei. In the sparsely labelled renal cortex of the normal male mouse, 'flash labelling' with bromodeoxyuridine shows single labelled nuclei at 1 h. At 24, 48 and 72 h after injection of bromodeoxyuridine, some labelled cells are seen to lie adjacent and such labelled pairs are presumed to be the result of cell division. Single labelled nuclei at 24, 48 and 72 h might indicate arrest in DNA synthesis or a prolonged G2 period, but it is important to recognize that a correction must be made for paired labelled nuclei in which one member is out of the plane of section. The factors involved in making such a correction are discussed and a correction table calculated. In the normal male mouse renal cortex, we show that nearly all cells labelled at 1 h had divided by 72 h.