Macrozoobenthos of floodplain waters of the rivers rhine and meuse in the Netherlands: A structural and functional analysis in relation to hydrology

The river systems of the Rhine and Meuse include a large number of floodplain waters showing differences in hydrology and geomorphology. A classification of 100 water bodies based on their macroinvertebrate communities has been worked out as a tool for ecological management. Analyses were performed on structural (species composition) and functional (trophic relations) aspects of macrozoobenthos in relation to hydrological, vegetational, and physicochemical parameters. Based on the classification of macroinvertebrate communities, three major groups of water bodies can be distinguished, which are related to the frequency of inundation. The flood frequency constitutes the major environmental gradient which structures the zoobenthos communities in the Dutch floodplain waters. Faunal composition is mediated by substrate availability, water chemistry, and the availability of nutritional resources. This typology serves as a basis for the prediction of the impact of hydrology changes on the macrozoobenthic communities of floodplain waters of highly eutrophic and polluted rivers.