Production of Eudragit Microparticles by Spray-Drying Technique: Influence of Experimental Parameters on Morphological and Dimensional Characteristics

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of operating parameters on the characteristics of methacrylate microparticles prepared by spray-drying technique. Eudragit microparticles were prepared by a spray-drying method. The influence of different experimental parameters (i.e., solvent, feed rate, air flow rate, air-drying temperature, and aspiration flow rate) on microparticle morphology, size distribution, and recovery was studied. In addition, different Eudragit types and Eudragit RS concentrations were employed. Optical and electron microscopy were employed to analyze microparticle morphology and dimensional distribution. Finally, prednisolone as model drug was encapsulated in Eudragit RS microparticles. Low feed rate values yielded the best results in terms of microparticle morphology. Changes in nebulizing air flow did not result in a corresponding effect on microparticle characteristics. An increase of air-drying temperature resulted in a reduction of microparticle dimension and recovery. A low flow of drying air was preferable because this resulted in microparticles with an optimal morphology. The polymer concentration affected both morphology and dimensions of microparticles. The encapsulation of prednisolone led to good incorporation efficiencies without altering percentage of recovery, morphology, and mean dimension of the microparticles. The selection of appropriate parameters yielded spray-dried Eudragit RS microparticles characterized by good morphology and narrow dimensional distribution.