Obesity, lipids, and glucose intolerance The Framingham Study

Some lipid and lipoprotein accompaniments of obesity and its association with glucose intolerance are examined in the Framingham cohort of 5209 men and women ages 30 to 59 examined biennially over 18 years. While β and pre-β lipoproteins were positively correlated with relative weight, high density lipoprotein cholesterol was inversely correlated. The association was strongest for high density lipoprotein cholesterol, varying little by age and sex. Triglyceride was a close second, but unlike high density lipoproteins, it and other lipids were more closely associated with obesity in men than women and in younger than older persons. Obese persons tended to have a greater likelihood of glycosuria and an increasing prevalence of diabetes. Relative weight in the Framingham cohort rose in both sexes to age 54, remained essentially unchanged until age 62 and then began to decline. Despite such changes body weights even 18 years apart had a correlation of 0.8. Men from each succeeding birth cohort were heavier, women were lighter, but even women from the most recent birth cohort were much more frequently above “desirable” weight than below it.