APHASIA is a relatively rare condition. As a rule it develops in persons beyond middle age, as a result of hemorrhages, tumors or other conditions in the brain. Aphasia in children is rare; therefore, 1 unusual case is here recorded. C. A. P., a 12 year old white girl, was admitted to the Columbia hospital after having been sick for only two or three days. Her complaints were general malaise, headaches and fever; previous to this illness she had always been in good health. At admission her temperature was 102 F. The spinal fluid had a cloudy appearance and a cell count of 100. It contained globulin, but not sugar, and there were meningococci present. The blood contained 75 Gm. of hemoglobin per hundred cubic centimeters and 20,000 white blood cells, with 90 per cent neutrophilic polymorphonuclear cells and 10 per cent lymphocytes. The sedimentation rate was 20 mm. after