Determination of heterogeneous thermal parameters using ultrasound induced heating and MR thermal mapping

In this paper, a method for the determination of spatially varying thermal conductivity and perfusion coefficients of tissue is proposed. The temperature evolution in tissue is modelled with the Pennes bioheat equation. The main motivation here is a model-based optimal control for ultrasound surgery, in which the tissue properties are needed when the treatment is planned. The overview of the method is as follows. The same ultrasound transducers, which are eventually used for the treatment, are used to inflict small temperature changes in tissue. This temperature evolution is monitored using MR thermal imaging, and the tissue properties are then estimated oil the basis of these measurements. Furthermore, an approach to choose transducer excitations for the determination procedure is also considered. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a method and therefore simulations are used to verify the method. Furthermore, computations are accomplished in a 2D spatial domain.