Acoustically evoked potentials in the rat during conditioning.

Click-evoked potentials were recorded from auditory cortex, medial geniculate body, ventral cochlear nucleus, and mesencephalic reticular formation in a conditioned emotional response (CER) situation. When clicks were used as conditional stimuli amplitudes of potentials recorded from all sites showed changes during conditioning, but only amplitudes of late components of cortical and medial geniculate responses and the potentials from reticular formation were directly related to strength of the conditioned response. Changes in early components of cortical and medial geniculate responses and in potentials recorded from ventral cochlear nucleus showed inconsistencies within and between subjects. Click-evoked potentials recorded as a CER was brought under control of a photic stimulus exhibited the same patterns of change seen when clicks were used as conditional stimuli. The observed changes in evoked potentials during aversive conditioning were not related to associative factors.