Decompression for peroneal nerve entrapment

1 reviewed 24 patients after decompression for peroneal entrapment neuropathy; in 3 cases the lesion was bilateral. There were 15 males and 9 females; mean age 44 (12–72) years. The etiology was an operation around the knee in 12, a tibial fracture in 2, a slight compression in 1, an ankle sprain in 2, excessive climbing in 2, sitting in a cross-legged position in 4, and in 4 cases no reason was found. There was foot drop in 15 and ankle instability in 12 cases. The nerve was decompressed after an average period of 17 months (4 days–8 years). Immediate relief of symptoms was achieved in 14 cases, slower relief in 10, and in 3 cases there was no recovery, In peroneal neuropathy, decompression should be considered after 2 months without recovery and after 4 months when recovery is slow.

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