Nuclear magnetic resonance of55Mn,121Sb and123Sb in Mn2Sb

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of 55Mn, 121Sb and 123Sb in Mn2Sb has been studied from 77 to about 440K. The hyperfine fields at 0K, obtained by extrapolating the resonance frequencies, are -143.0, -126.7 and +251.2 kOe and the anisotropies in the hyperfine at 260K are +1.6, -5.4 and +60.0 kOe at Mn(I), Mn(II) and Sb sites, respectively. The hyperfine fields have been analysed on the basis of phenomenological model and the temperature dependence of the site magnetic moments has been determined. The width of the spin reorientation transition has been determined to be about 5+or-1K.