L-vacancy production in near-symmetric heavy-ion collisions (Z≳35)

The authors have measured the projectile and target L x-ray spectra and cross sections for 41-MeV Ta projectiles bombarding thin targets between Ag and Th and for 17-60-MeV collisions of Ho on Ho, Au on Au, Pb on Pb, and U on Th. These cross sections, as well as those measured elsewhere, are examined in terms of a simple vacancy-sharing model involving the 4fσ and 3dσ molecular orbitals (MO). From the Lβ1Lα x-ray intensity ratios it is found that in symmetric collisions the 4fσ MO correlates to the 2p32 level of the collision partners (correlation rule of Barat and Lichten). As the asymmetry of the collision system increases, there is an increasing tendency for the 4fσ MO to correlate to the 2s level of the lower-Z collision partner (correlation rule of Eichler and collaborators). The physical basis for the shift of the 4fσ MO correlation is discussed.