Matching QCD and heavy-quark effective theory heavy-light currents at two loops and beyond

Heavy-light QCD currents are matched with heavy-quark effective theory (HQET) currents at two loops and leading order in 1/m. A single formula applies to all current matchings. As a by-product, a master formula for the two-loop anomalous dimension of the QCD current q¯γ1[μ...γn]μq is obtained, yielding a new result for the tensor current. The dependence of matching coefficients on γ5 prescriptions is elucidated. Ratios of QCD matrix elements are obtained, independently of the three-loop anomalous dimension of HQET currents. The two-loop coefficient in fB*/fB =1-2αs(mb)/3π-Kb αs2/π2 +O(αs3,1/mb) is Kb=83/12+4/81π2+2/27π2ln2-1/9ζ(3)-19/54Nl +Δc=6.37+Δc, with Nl=4 light flavors, and a correction Δc=0.18±0.01 that takes account of the nonzero ratio mc/mb=0.28±0.03. Convergence of the perturbative series is poor: the fastest apparent convergence would entail αs(μ) at μ=370 MeV. ‘‘Naive non-Abelianization’’ of large-Nl results, via NlNl-33/2, gives reasonable approximations to exact two-loop results. All-order results for anomalous dimensions and matching coefficients are obtained at large β0=11=2/3Nl. Consistent cancellation between infrared- and ultraviolet-renormalon ambiguities is demonstrated.