Growth Factors in the Therapy of Myelodisplasia: Biological Aspects

Growth factors (GF) are reported to play an important role in the therapy of myelodisplastic syndromes (MDS). After in vitvo administration a consistent group of MDS may respond to GF but the possibility of differentiation, regulation or expansion of myelodisplastic clones following GF therapy is still a question to be answered as their optimum dose and combinations. To validate if in vivo treatment with GF, may promote the regulation or the recovery of myelopoiesis and/or modify the clonality of the responses, we gave G-CSF after intensive chemotherapy in high risk MDS and acute leukemia evolving from MDS patients. According to our data the use of G-CSF after intensive chemotherapy may improve the CR rate without increase 01 leukemic transformation. However the answer were clonal and the remission duration remained very short so we suggest to utilize this time to perform other therapeutic strategies such as, when possible, the BMT.