Psychological Effects, Personality and Behavioral Changes Attributed to Marihuana Use

Data from 530 marihuana users on the psychological effects, personality and behavioral changes attributed to their marihuana use are presented. Age, sex, marital status, and educational level are reported. Data were analyzed according to five use patterns: (1) trial users, (2) past users, (3) occasional users, (4) regular users, and (5) daily users. Ss reported on the occurrence of 33 psychological effects of marihuana, changes in 14 behavioral and personality variables, effect on alcohol and tobacco consumption, effect on sexual orientation, and reasons for marihuana use. Results are consistent in that as marihuana use increases, there is an increase in pleasurable effects and beneficial results in personality and behavioral realms and a decrease in negative and untoward sequelae. Trial users report the least pleasant effects and the greatest untoward effects, and past users report considerably less benefits than current users.