Surface waves and bottom sediment response

Field measurements of bottom oscillations and wave characteristics have been made in a study of the interaction of fine‐grained sediments and surface waves. A wave staff, pressure sensor, and accelerometer were used in East Bay, Louisiana, an area that has a fine‐grained clay bottom. The accelerometer contained three solid‐state accelerometers mounted at right angles. The instrument was placed about 0.3 m below the mudline. The results of the study indicate that bottom motions under wave action show well‐defined periodic features. The bottom sediments appear to be undergoing an elastic response to bottom pressures, such that the bottom is depressed under a surface wave crest. Under the range of bottom pressures measured, bottom displacement varied linearly with bottom pressure. Measured bottom pressures were up to 35% larger than predicted by linear wave theory. The effect of a movable bottom on wave pressure is considered. The energy lost from the surface wave to the bottom in forcing the bottom response is shown to be significant and larger than the energy lost to bottom friction.

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