Sec6 mutations and theDrosophilaexocyst complex

To allow a detailed analysis of exocyst function in multicellular organisms, we have generated sec6 mutants in Drosophila. We have used these mutations to compare the phenotypes of sec6 and sec5 in the ovary and nervous system, and we find them to be similar. We also find that Sec5 is mislocalized in sec6 mutants. Additionally, we have generated an epitope-tagged Sec8 that localized with Sec5 on oocyte membranes and was mislocalized in sec5 and sec6 germ-line clones. This construct further revealed a genetic interaction of sec8 and sec5. These data, taken together, provide new information about the organization of the exocyst complex and suggest that Sec5, Sec6 and Sec8 act as a complex, each member dependent on the others for proper localization and function.