Comment on ‘‘Suppressed electron capture in slow O+(4So,2Do,2Po)-He collisions’’

Electron capture in collisions of O+ ions with He atoms is studied on the basis of a molecular-orbital expansion approach. The cross section for electron capture by metastable O+ (2D, 2P) ions is found to be larger by an order of magnitude than that for capture by ground-state O+ (4S) ions over the entire energy region studied. The energy dependencies of cross sections for electron capture by the ground and metastable ions are found to differ considerably below 2 keV. The present result, obtained by combining the cross section of 90% of the ground state and that of 10% of metastable states, reproduces reasonably well the experimental result of Kusakabe et al. [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 59, 1987 (1990)], who reported using the mixture of the ground and metastable O+ ions. The present finding clearly contradicts another experimental result of Wolfrum et al. [Phys. Rev. A 45, R4218 (1992)], who reported no effect from the metastable states.