Dynamical theory of diffusion and localization in a random, static field

An approximation scheme is derived to calculate the velocity-autocorrelation function for the Lorentz model of overlapping hard discs and hard spheres. The theory describes a feedback between the particle-density correlations and the current relaxation rate, and is shown to give a percolation edge, a transition from the normal diffusion phase to nondiffusion phase characterized by a finite localization length l0. Near the edge the low-frequency velocity spectrum for either phase is evaluated, thereby finding diffusivity to approach zero linearly with the separation parameter ε=(nnc)nc, where nc is the critical density, while l0 diverges like 1ε. A power-law long-time decay of the velocity-autocorrelation function is found for the diffusion phase. Upon approaching nc the hydrodynamic regime shrinks to zero, and a transition in the power-law exponent from its low-density value which is dependent on dimension to a value of 32 for both dimensions is predicted.