Charged particleQvalues for reactions on C, Cr, Fe, Co, and Ni

Q values were measured for 27 reactions on targets of C12, Cr54, Fe54,56, Co59, and Ni58,60,62,64 with resulting uncertainties of 0.7 to 3.2 keV. Care was taken to define sources of error. A χ2 test on an interconnected set of 19 measurements indicates internal consistency and a comparison of eight (d,p) Q values with (n,γ) numbers shows excellent agreement. A mass evaluation was performed on a truncated region centered on Co. The results indicate that the 1971 values for the masses of Cr55 and Co55 are in error. The uncertainties of the masses of Fe53 and Co61 are greatly reduced. The question of the Fe57 mass raised in The 1971 Atomic Mass Evaluation is not entirely resolved and consequently the absolute values of some masses in this region are still uncertain to about 5 keV although the Q values are improved.