Taxonomic notes are provided on some species of Coccophagoides, Dirphys and Encarsia. The following new combinations are proposed: Coccophagoides forbesi (Dozier) and C. pulchellus (Dozier) from Prospaltella; C. inlacertus (Girault) from Coccophagus; Dirphys aleurodici (Girault), D. boswelli (Girault), D. filius (Girault) and D. magniclavus (Girault) from Coccophagus; Encarsia brahmsi (Girault), E. horatii (Girault), E. picithorax (Girault), E. pulliclava (Girault), E. submetallica (Girault) from Coccophagus, and E. koebelei (Howard) from Prospaltella. Aspidiotiphagus australiensis Girault is placed in synonymy with E. citrina.