Sellar and parasellar extra-axial cavernous hemangiomas

Cavernous hemangiomas can grow extra-axially within dural sinuses, particularly the cavernous sinus and present like tumours. Five cases of cavernous hemangiomas arising within or from the wall of the cavernous sinus are reported. Three of them had an “endophytic” growth within the cavernous sinus with a lateral extension into the middle cranial fossa, a medial extension into the sella and an anterior extension into the superior orbital fissure. Two cases presented with an “exophytic” extension from the sinus wall at the point of entry of the third and fourth cranial nerves respectively. These patterns of growths are best appreciated by MRI. Keeping in mind that these lesions are contained within a pseudocapsule will help in planing surgical strategy. Characteristic MRI findings of cavernous hemangiomas in this location include hypo-intensity on T 1-weighted images, marked hyperintensity on T 2-weighted images and Gadolinium enhancement.