Acylated Streptokinase – Plasminogen Complex in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

BRL 26921 is the p-anisoyl derivative of the primary streptokinase-human plasminogen complex in which the acyl group is specifically located at the catalytic centre of the enzyme. Doses of BRL 26921 ranging from 5 mg to 25 mg were given intravenously or into a coronary artery to 12 patients with acute myocardial infarction. The complex was well tolerated and produced no serious bleeding. Coronary artery reperfusion was demonstrated angiographically in three patients. In most patients, fibrinogen, plasminogen, α2 antiplasmin and a2 macroglobulin levels fell and the level of fibrinogen degradation products increased acutely post treatment indicating systemic fibrinolytic activation. The degree of this activation was variable but was profound in some. It appeared to be dose related and modified by the presence of streptokinase antibodies. BRL 26921 appears less “selectively” thrombolytic in patients than had been expected from animal models.