Single dilepton production ate+e,eγ, and γγ colliders

We calculate the cross sections for the single production of doubly charged dileptons, both scalar and vector, at e+ e, eγ, and γγ colliders at √s =500 GeV and 1 TeV. The eγ mode is by far the most promising—dileptons whose coupling is as weak as ∼104 αem can be observed, for masses virtually up to the kinematic limit. Dileptons of mass up to √s can also be seen in e+ e and γγ colliders, for couplings of order αem. In all three colliders, most of the cross section comes from events in which the only particles detected are e e (or μ μ or τ τ), the decay products of the dilepton, yielding an unmistakable experimental signature.
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