The physician who prescribes controlled substances is faced with an array of laws, regulatory policies, and professional attitudes about their use. Prescriptions for these scheduled drugs are furthermore monitored by the pharmacists who dispense them. Certain drugs, such as the opioids and the benzodiazepines, are considered so potentially abusive that special programs have been recommended to track the behavior of physician prescribers. Multiple copy programs have been implemented in some states. More recent proposals recommend electronic data transfer (EDT) of pharmacy information to centralized processing points so that misprescribing physicians and doctor-shopping patients can be identified. Regulators concerned about physician behavior and confronted by demands of nonphysicians to prescribe controlled substances may find EDT a good solution. Physicians should be concerned about being censured for misprescribing, because such actions may lead to inclusion in the National Practitioner Data Bank. With all of the regulatory concerns about controlled substances, those physicians who would employ long-term opioid therapy for their chronic pain patients must follow certain basic guidelines to be able to defend themselves against allegations of deviant professional behavior. Such procedures as conducting a history and physical examination, maintaining a written treatment plan, consulting with knowledgeable colleagues, and assessing for addictive behavior can provide the practitioner with safeguards.

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