Several methods of extraction and assay of free and total acetylcholine (ACh) in the cerebral cortex of the albino rat were compared. Using cold, eserine-Ringer''s for extraction and by doing assays on two sensitive preparations (isolated hearts of frog and Venus mer- cenaria) a marked effect of low pressure and insulin hypo-glycemia were demonstrated. Avg. values for free ACh in the normal cortex ranged between 0.26 and 0.68 [gamma]/g. in different series. Subjecting rats to low pressure for 1-2 hrs. produced a 40-50% decrease in free ACh. A decrease was prevented by previous adm. of prostigmine. Rats in insulin convulsions showed a decline in free ACh of 50-60%. The decline in ACh may account for the decrease in excitability of the cortex under conditions of anoxia and hypoglycemia.