Correlations in Abelian lattice gauge field models: A microscopic coupled-cluster treatment

An ab initio formulation of microscopic quantum many-body theory, namely, the coupled-cluster method (CCM), is applied to the lattice gauge models, Z(2) in 2+1 dimensions, and U(1) in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions. Both mode-mode couplings and plaquette-plaquette correlations are considered. In particular, within the one-plaquette approximation for the U(1) model, the CCM is able to include mode couplings of arbitrarily high order. It therefore reproduces essentially the exact numerical results for the equivalent Mathieu problem. These include the ground-state, plaquette, and excitation energies as functions of the coupling constant. Two-plaquette equations are solved by local approximations for both the U(1) and Z(2) models, and the results are impressive. Detailed comparisons with other methods, particularly perturbation theory, are made and discussed, with emphasis on the nonperturbative nature of the problem.