Two methods have been widely employed for computing tunneling rates in a double‐well potential, one based on a transmission function, the second on energy splitting. Semiclassical calculations (Brickmann and Zimmermann) show that the transmission method leads to lower rates than the splitting method. It is shown here without employing the semiclassical approximation that a more accurate relation between the energy splitting and the transmittion function may be obtained by using a decomposition of the stationary states into scattering states. This relation is then used to provide an analytical basis for the usual heuristic picture in which the particle oscillates with classical frequency in one well and has a probability of tunneling to the other well equal to the transmission function in each classical period of oscillation. It is concluded that the transmission method should give more meaningful results, particularly in situations where interactions of the system with a heat bath have significant effects in the tunneling times predicted by the splitting method. This is in accord with previous work in which both methods were used in an attempt to fit experimental data for hydrogen diffusion in niobium.