A Note on the Occurrence of Unusual Electroencephalographic Sleep Patterns in Selected Normal Children

Polysomnographic recordings were performed in 50 children free from any familial or personal history of seizure or neurologic diseases to evaluate the frequency of epileptiform and unusual electroencephalographic patterns in a normal population. A 9-year-old boy exhibited focal spikes that became bilateral with a density of 24% to 32% during slow wave sleep, and another boy showed a few spikes during slow wave sleep. In seven cases, 14- and 6-Hz rhythms were recorded, mostly in rapid eye movement sleep. A right rhythmic and temporal discharge was observed in one girl. Epileptiform electroencephalographic patterns are not infrequent, and 14- and 6-Hz rhythms during rapid eye movement sleep are common in normal children. (J Child Neurol 1992;7:422-426).