Laryngeal radiation after hemilaryngectomy

Laryngeal radiation was administered to 30 patients after hemilaryngectomy for true vocal cord carcinoma at Washington University Medical Center during the years 1957-1976. Twelve patients were irradiated at the time of gross recurrence and 5/12 (42%) of these patients had recurrence of their disease after radiation. Eighteen patients were irradiated immediately after hemilaryngectomy because positive margins were seen in the hemilaryngectomy specimen and 5/18 (28%) of these had recurrence. All but 1 recurrence occurred within 13 months following radiation. Total laryngectomy salvaged an additional 3 patients for ultimate cancer control in 23/30 (77%). This high dose laryngeal irradiation was well tolerated. A major complication occurred in 1 patient (3%) and consisted of permanent laryngeal edema necessitating tracheostomy but permitting useful speech. Mild complications occurred in 5 patients.