Effect of combining elecrocardiographic interpretation results on diagnostic accuracy

In order to test the diagnostic performance of various ECG computer programs a references library of ECGs is being established and evaluation methods are being developed in an international co-operative project. A pilot study was undertaken in which 250 validated electrocardiograms(ECG) and vectorcardiograms (VCG) comprising seven diagnostic groups i.e, normal, left, right and bi-ventricular hypertrophy, anterior, inferior and combained infarction have been analysed independently by 11 different computer programs as well as by six cardiologists. A coding scheme was applied to assign individual diagnostic statements to a common set and to obtain combained program and cardioligist interpretion results. Preliminary results indicate that the accuracy of classification by different programs varies widely. Total accuracy varied between 57.2%and 75.8% (median 69.4%). The cardiologists had a higher accuracy (median 74.3%) than the majority of programs, at least when using the standard ECG. As it is considered premature to stress individual program results in view of the current sample size, the enhancement in diagnostic accuracy obtained by combining interpretation results is highlighted. Indeed combined cardiologist accuracy obtained by combining interpretation results is highlighted. Indeed combained cardiologist and program results demonstrated the highest accuracy i.e. respectively 78.7% and 76.1% higher than the result of any individual reader or program. The combined result of the five most accurate programs was 78.4% that of the six least accurate was 71.5% which is again higher than the respective individual components. These findings demonstrate that the combination of expert knowledge of computer programs can similar to panel review and group analysis in clinical practice, enhance diagnostic accuracy.