Following blastocyst implantation, or outgrowth in vitro, the LDH isozyme pattern changes from that of the maternally inherited B subunit isozyme form (LDH-1) to a pattern dominated by A subunits (Auerbach & Brinster, 1967, 1968). In preimplantation embryos we have also observed additional isozyme bands, as yet unidentified. An analysis of the pattern of newly synthesized LDH isozymes and specific activity of LDH in different regions of early post implantation embryos suggests that there is a sequential activation of A and B subunits, and that activity first appears in ICM- (inner cell mass) derived tissues and then in trophoblast-derived tissues. In vitro, in the absence of ICM cells, the transition of LDHisozyme pattern does not occur in outgrowing trophoblast giant cells. This suggests a possible inductive interaction between ICM and trophoblast.