Spectroscopy and multiwave mixing inPr3+:LaF3

Photon-echo and stimulated-photon-echo experiments in Pr3+:LaF3 on the three transitions, P03-(3 H5 )1, P03-(3 H5 )2, and P03-(3 H6 )1 [none of which, therefore, involves the (3 H4 )1 ground state] at liquid-He temperatures have revealed the presence of anomalously large residual homogeneous linewidths. The subscripts (e.g., 1,2) denote the crystal-field-split levels of the Pr3+ ion states. Amplitude-modulated trilevel echoes were observed involving the P03-(3 H5 )1 and P03-(3 H5 )2 transitions while no trilevel echoes were observed involving the P03-(3 H4 )1 and P03-(3 H6 )1 transitions. Photon echoes were observed on many of the satellite lines of the principal resonance P03-(3 H4 )1 transitions.