Study of HafniumαEmitters: New IsotopesHf159,Hf160, andHf161

With the use of α spectroscopy and the helium gas-jet technique the α decay of the previously unknown isotopes, Hf159, Hf160, and Hf161, was observed. These hafnium nuclides were produced by bombarding targets of Sm144 and Sm147 with Ne20 ions accelerated in the Oak Ridge isochronous cyclotron. The decay characteristics and mass assignments (made on the basis of yield curve measurements, cross bombardments, and parent-daughter relationships) of the three new α emitters are as follows: (1) Hf159, Eα=5.09±0.01 MeV, T12=5.6±0.5 sec; (2) Hf160, Eα=4.77±0.02 MeV, T1212 sec; and (3) Hf161, Eα=4.60±0.01 MeV, T12=17±2 sec. The latter two isotopes with neutron numbers of 88 and 89 are of some interest with respect to α-decay systematics in the 82-neutron region. The only 88-neutron α emitters known up to now are naturally occurring Gd152 and long-lived Dy154, while Hf161 is the first 89-neutron nuclide to exhibit α decay.