Ultrasound in gynecology: endometrium

With the development and clinical application of transvaginal transducers/probes (TVS) the sonographic imaging of the endometrium was greatly enhanced compared with abdominal ultrasound. Also, the discomfort of a full bladder associated with abdominal ultrasound could be avoided. A shorter distance between probe and target allowed the use of higher frequency transducers, thereby achieving improved imaging. This review will only discuss the use of TVS, but it does not mean that abdominal ultrasound should not or cannot be used when dealing with the postmenopausal uterus. Transvaginal sonography (TVS) provides a valuable tool for the diagnosis of a wide range of gynecological disorders including those of the uterus and endometrium. The ability of TVS to depict the thickness and morphology of the endometrium has been established in both office and hospital settings. This article will discuss and illustrate the clinical and research applications of transvaginal sonography in relation to the endometrium in both symptomatic and asymptomatic postmenopausal women. The article is of particular relevance today given the number of women who are undergoing transvaginal ultrasonography in the absence of symptoms as a part of their routine check ups. There is a paucity of data relating to the management of apparent ultrasound abnormalities in such women. In symptomatic women or for women at risk of developing endometrial pathology, a technique that could reduce the number of biopsy procedures would be of value. Hysteroscopy, dilatation and curettage (D & C) as well as other endometrial sampling methods are all invasive, thus it would be of benefit if a way could be found to assess the endometrium using a relatively non‐invasive approach. Such a technique would need to be relatively easy to learn and perform, as well as being well accepted by the patients. We believe that transvaginal sonography fulfills many of these requirements, the following review will attempt to put forward some of the evidence to support this view.