Baryon-exchange Deck-model contributions to nucleon diffraction dissociation

In a Drell-Deck- model description of high-energy nucleon diffraction dissociation, aNa(Nπ), we study the contributions which the baryon-exchange and direct-baryon-pole Deck graphs make to the production and decay distributions of the low-mass Nπ system. We treat spin effects explicitly. Because the two baryon amplitudes cancel each other to a remarkable degree, their sum has only a small effect (∼20%) on the overall cross section, which is dominated by the pion-exchange Deck amplitude. Nevertheless, the baryon terms have an important influence on the decay angular distributions of the Nπ system, particularly in that region of phase space in which the pion-exchange term is suppressed. They also provide a pronounced increase in the slope of the production-momentum-transfer (t) distribution near the Nπ threshold. Both of these results improve the agreement of the unabsorbed Deck model with recent data on NNN(Nπ) from Fermilab and the CERN ISR. Discrepancies remain in the description of certain correlations between structure in the t distribution and selections on the decay angles. We speculate that this failure suggests the presence of a second non-Deck, perhaps resonant, component in the data and the necessity for a coupled analysis in which final-state interactions are included.