Expert process planning system with solid model interface

Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques provide various tools for use in the development of automated process planning systems. AI can be utilized for automated reasoning about the shape, features and relationship between features and for development of expert systems for creating the process plan itself. Most of the previous work on AI in process planning deals with one specific application. This paper presents an integrated hierarchical framework of a process planning system with a CAD interface. The objective of the project discussed in the paper is to integrate design with process planning using AI techniques. The development of a CAD interface is discussed with respect to automated feature recognition, determination of tool approach direction and deciding the precedence relationship between the features. Sample results from the CAD interface are presented. The expert system for the process planning module is discussed with the part representation and knowledge base and the plan generation procedure. The module uses hierarchically organized frames for both part representation and the knowledge base. Some initial results are presented from the process planner to demonstrate the current capability of the system.