Effects of Aquatic Macrophytes on Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Two Florida Lakes

Greater numbers of invertebrate taxa were collected in vegetated than open water (unvegetated) communities in two Florida lakes. Differences in macroinvertebrate density and biomass were found among communities and sampling periods for most prevalent taxa in both lakes. In Henderson Lake, density of benthos was highest in the open water community due to the abundance of Chaoborus, and biomass of benthos was highest in the Panicum and open water communities due to the abundance of molluscs. In Orange Lake, density and biomass of benthos were higher in the vegetated than in the open water communities. Bottom substrate was an important determinant of benthic invertebrate abundance; density and biomass of benthos were greater in communities with firm substrata than in communities with soft organic substrata. When communities with similar substrata were compared, benthic invertebrates were more abundant in vegetated than in open water communities.