Polyastriazines from Oxalamidrazone

High molecular weight soluble poly-as-triazines were prepared by solution cyclopolycondiensation of oxalamidrazone with various bisglyoxals and bisbenzils Solutions of the phenyl-substituted poly-as-triazines at solids content of -20%c are metastable increasing in viscosity and, in some cases, selling, The gelling phenomenon can be alleviated without any appreciable detrimental effect upon the polymer by upsetting the stoichiometry of the reactants Relatively high molecular weight polymer (e g ηinh=1 76) can be obtained when the stoichiometry is upset by 1%c in favor of either reactar t Polyphenyl-as-triazines films exhibited room temperature (RT) tensiie strength as high as 18,400 psi (tensiie modulus of 400 000 psi and ultimate elongation of 5%c) Titanium and stainless steel tensile shear specimens provided RT strength of 2850 and 3400 psi, respectively Polyphenyl-as-triazines exhibit good thermal oxidative stability after aging for 1000 hr at 500°F (260°C) in circulating air.

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