Feulgen DNA stainability of bone tumors after demineralization

Microspectrophotometric DNA analysis of archival bone tumor tissue is often impeded by previous acid demineralization, which destroys Feulgen DNA stainability. To find an alternative to acid for prospective DNA studies of bone tumors in tissue sections, Feulgen stainability of fresh osteosarcoma specimens after demineralization in neutral EDTA was investigated. The reliability of DNA analysis of weakly Feulgen-stained sections from archival tissue was also studied. Demineralization of four fresh specimens in EDTA slightly reduced Feulgen DNA stainability compared to nondemineralized preparations but did not affect the determination of ploidy level. Hydrolysis tests of one diploid and one hyperploid osteosarcoma showed that the staining relationship between control and tumor cells was not altered by EDTA pretreatment. For DNA studies of bone tumors requiring demineralization, EDTA offers a means of retaining nuclear Feulgen stainability. In 22 archival osteosarcoma specimens of varying Feulgen stainability, three different upper limits of light transmission (75, 85, and 95%) were applied to test the significance of background disturbances in relation to nuclear stain intensity. The relationship between the median total extinction of the control and tumor cell populations was not significantly affected by altering the upper transmission limit except in four poorly stained lesions. The control cells of these four specimens exhibited a median total extinction less than one-third of the maximum encountered. The results suggest that weakly stained archival specimens can be tested for selecting those appropriate for ploidy determination.