Low lying S=-1 excited baryons and chiral symmetry

The s-wave meson-baryon interaction in the $S = -1$ sector is studied by means of coupled-channels, using the lowest-order chiral Lagrangian and the N/D method to implement unitarity. The loops are regularized using dimensional renormalization. In addition to the previously studied $\Lambda (1405)$, employing this chiral approach leads to the dynamical generation of two more s-wave hyperon resonances, the $\Lambda(1670)$ and $\Sigma(1620)$ states. We make comparisons with experimental data and look for poles in the complex plane obtaining the couplings of the resonances to the different final states. This allows us to identify the $\Lambda (1405)$ and the $\Lambda(1670)$ resonances with $\bar{K}N$ and $K\Xi$ quasibound states, respectively.

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