1. The reattachment of the separated laminar boundary layer occurs in a manner that was thought by Doenhoff, but the process is a transient one and in the stationary state, the vortex that lies leeward of the separation point attracts the separated layer to the surface. 2. The stability of the separated laminar boundary layer breaks down at the Reynolds Number 25, 000, and this value is independent of the turbulence in the stream. But if the Reyonlds munber of the boundary layer thickness at the point of separation is less than 1200, the instability does not occur. 3. After the bieak down of the stability, the disturbance spreads under the angle which depends on the turbulence in the stream. 4. If the point of the reattachment is too far from the laminar reparation point, the reattachment is imperfect and the separation and the reattachment are repeated. 5. The length of the separated region affects the bonndary layer thereafter greatly. Therefore, the study of the turbulent boumdary layer is meaningless if the condition of the transition region is not clear.