Chemical Induction of Colonial Paramorphs in Neurospora and Syncephalastrum

A fungus culture in which morphological changes are environmentally introduced without corresponding genetic alteration is designated as a parambrph. Addition of anionic surface-active agents including Na lauryl sulfate, Aerosol OT, Tergitol 7, and Na desoxycholate to culture medium restricts the growth of Neurospora and Svncephalastrum to a compact thal-lus or colony designated as a colonial paramorph. The cationic surface-active agents Roceal and Isothan 15 are highly toxic but paramorphogenetically inactive. Tween 80, a non-ionic surface-active agent, is non-toxic and inactive. Sorbose is chosen as the standard paramorphogen because of its wide range of effective concns., low toxicity, and property of repressing tendency of colonies to form aerial hyphae. Colonial paramorphogens are an effective aid in isolation of colonies developing from individual microconidia planted in lots on solid media.

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