Large magnetoresistance in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 ramp-edge junctions

We report on the fabrication of ferromagnet–insulator–ferromagnet junction devices using a ramp-edge geometry based on (La0.7Sr0.3)MnO3 ferromagnetic electrodes and a SrTiO3 insulator. The maximum junction magnetoresistance (JMR) as large as 23% is observed below 300 Oe at low temperatures (T<100 K). Our ramp-edge junctions exhibit JMR of 6% at 200 K with a field less than 100 Oe. The device performance at room temperature is believed to be limited by both the nearly equivalent coercive fields in the electrodes and the magnetization process, rather than by the insulating barrier.